iceGear Instruments : Twist Knobs to Create Your Sound from Scratch

iceGear Instruments : Twist Knobs to Create Your Sound from Scratch

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    Support for Apple Silicon Mac

    You can install this app on your Apple Silicon Mac(M1, M2...). Please note that this cannot be installed on an Intel Mac.

    This app supports only AUv3 plug-in format. It can be used with AUv3-compatible DAWs. Other plug-in formats are not supported.


    Before using an AUv3 format plug-in in a DAW, launch the app as a standalone, to ensure that it initializes correctly.

    If you have an AUv3 plug-in that does not appear in your DAW's AUv3 plug-in list, try the following steps

    1. Delete the AUv3 plug-in app.
    2. Restart macOS.
    3. Reinstall the AUv3 plugin app.
    4. Launch the standalone app for the installed app.

    Basic Operation

    Change selection by dragging

    In the selection UI consisting of lamps and button(s), you can change the selection not only by using the button(s) but also by dragging.

    The sound is not affected during selection by dragging. When you touch up, the drag selection will be reflected in the sound.

    Finer Resolution for Dragging

    By dragging horizontally, you can finely adjust the parameter values.

    This function is not available when "Rotary Knob mode" is set to "Circular".

    How to reset the parameter to the default value.

    A quick double tap will restore the parameter value to its default value.

    Rotary Knob mode

    You can change the operation method of the rotary knob on the setting screen.


    When you first open the preset browser, you will see three folders: Factory, User and Program.

    The Factory folder contains factory presets.
    The "User" folder is where you can save your presets. Initially nothing is saved in this folder. When you import presets, they are also saved in this folder.
    The Program folder is a place to store presets that load when MIDI program changes are received. → Detail

    Header Bar

    Preset Browser

    New Folder...
    You can create new folders under the User folder.
    Save As...
    Save the currently loaded preset. Presets cannot be saved in the Factory folder.
    Loads an initialized sound.
    Recalls the sound that was loaded before opening the browser.
    Displays a menu for editing the preset library.

    Rename the selected preset. Not available for multiple selections.
    Export the selected preset. Not available for multiple selections.
    Duplicate the selected preset. Not available for multiple selections.
    Move the selected presets.
    Delete the selected presets.

    Display order of presets

    The display order in the preset browser is sorted in alphabetical order, with numbers from 0 to 9 first, then capital letters A to Z, and finally a to z. Therefore, you can sort the order by putting a number before the name.

    You can share your presets with other users.

    1. Press ALT button.
    2. Select only one preset or folder you want to export. You cannot press the Export button with multiple presets or folders selected.

      To export multiple presets at once, select a folder containing multiple presets and press the Export button. Exporting in this manner allows multiple presets to be exported as a single file and the preset files contained within to be imported at once.
    3. Press Export button
    4. You can export the presets to Mail, iCloud, etc. via Share Extension

      The size of the exported file is optimized and usually does not need to be compressed.

    You can import presets exported in the previous method into the user presets folder.

    • Presets can be imported via other applications that support "Share Extension" such as file apps, mail apps, etc.
    • Imported presets are automatically saved in the "User" folder.
    • The method of Send or Share to an application via the "Share Extension" is different for each application that holds the exported presets. Please check the instructions for each App.

      In the case of the File App, simply tapping on it will launch the standalone App and import it into the "User" folder.

    • Compressed files cannot be imported. Please uncompress the file before importing. The size of the exported file is optimized and usually does not need to be compressed.
    • If you import a "file exported by selecting a folder", the folder and all presets in the folder will be imported at once under the "User" folder.

    Programs Folder

    In the "Programs" folder you can define which presets will be loaded when a MIDI program change message is received. The program number corresponds to the order of the sound preset in the "Program" folder.

    You can sort the order of the program number by putting a number before the name. → Display order of presets

    AUv3 host preset list

    The presets stored in this folder can also be displayed in the preset list of the AUv3 host. On the settings screen, you can choose to display the factory presets or the contents of the program folder.

    Global Settings

    You can open the settings screen by tapping the gear icon on the top right of the screen.

    NOTE: On the plug-in mode setting screen, only the items that can be set are displayed. This image is the setting screen when launched as a standalone app.

    • Master Volume

      This setting is not affected by changing the sound preset.

    • Sync Method (Available when launched as an app)
      • Internal
      • MIDI

      You can set the synchronization method of the arpeggiator and sequencer.

    • Tempo (Available when launched as an app)

      When the synchronization method is internal sync, you can change the tempo of the arpeggiator and sequencer.

    • Timing

      Adjust the trigger timing.

    • Audio Buffer Size (Available when launched as an app)

      The audio buffer size affects the amount of latency and the CPU usage. Higher setting will reduce crackling noise at high CPU usage, but also cause more latency.

    • Background Audio (Available when launched as an app)

      If background audio is enabled, this app will consume battery power significantly even if other apps are running or if your screen is turned off.

    • MIDI Input Ports (Available when launched as an app)

      You can set which MIDI input port to receive.

    • MIDI Input Channel (Available when launched as an app)

      When the OMNI is OFF this app will receive only on the currently selected channel.

    • Bluetooth MIDI Device (Available when launched as an app)

      You can connect Bluetooth MIDI compatible controllers.

    • MIDI Mapping - File

      You can save/load MIDI mapping settings.

    • MIDI Mapping - Takeover Mode
      • None

        As soon as you operate the MIDI controller, it will be reflected to the parameter. If the MIDI controller value and the parameter value are different, the parameter value will jump.

      • Pickup

        If the MIDI controller value is different from the parameter value, the parameter value will not be changed until the MIDI controller value crosses the currently set parameter value. However, even in this mode, if the MIDI controller is operated when the parameter value is out of the range set by the MIDI mapping, the set parameter value jumps to the boundary value of the range.

    • Include the MIDI mapping settings in the sound preset file
      • When Saving:

        ON: Save the MIDI mapping settings in the sound preset file.

        OFF: Save the sound preset file without including the MIDI mapping settings.

      • When Loading:

        ON: If there are MIDI mapping settings in the sound preset file, it will be loaded. If there are no MIDI mapping settings in the sound preset file, the current MIDI mapping settings will not change.

        OFF: Even if there are MIDI mapping settings in the sound preset file, it will not be loaded.

    • Knob Mode

      How to operate the knob Switches between linear mode and circular mode.

    • Display in a pop-up window (Available when launched as an AUv3 plugin)

      Set whether to use pop-up display when running as AUv3. If this is set to OFF, the screen will not close even if you interact with the UI of the host app. Turn it off if you want to adjust the tone while playing the keyboard of the host app.

    • About

      Display version information, license information, etc.

    MIDI Mapping

    You can assign the MIDI controller knobs to the parameters.

    MIDI Learning Mode

    1. Enter MIDI learning mode by tapping the MIDI Learn button.

    2. Touch the on-screen control you wish to map.
    3. Adjust the slider or knob on your MIDI controller. (MIDI CC)
    4. Repeat above steps as required.

    MIDI Map Setting Panel

    In MIDI learning mode, Press and hold the knob or other control to open the setting panel.

    To delete the assigned MIDI mapping, tap the control several times.

    In the "MIDI 1.0 Control Change Messages" defined by the MIDI Association, controller numbers 120-127 are reserved for channel mode messages. Parameters cannot be mapped to these controller numbers reserved for channel mode messages.

    MIDI Map Range Setting

    The value given by the MIDI controller can be changed to a different value.

    Save MIDI Mapping

    You can save the created MIDI mapping from the setting screen.

    Effect Parameters

    Gate Sequencer

    Specify the speed of the steps.
    Specify the number of steps to be looped.
    Specifies whether steps are connected to each other.
    Specifies the on/off status of steps.
    Step Selector
    Select the step to edit.
    Gate Time
    Adjust the length of the gates.
    Adjust the Swing amount.
    Adjust the trigger timing for each step. Trigger timing is the result of the global timing setting plus this setting.

    If you enter, for example: [1] to [4] → [5], step 1 is copied to step 5, step 2 is copied to step 6, step 3 is copied to step 7, and step 4 is copied to step 8.

    Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the filter.
    Adjusts the amount of modulation by Envelope.
    Adjusting the shape of the envelope.
    Adjusts the amount of modulation by LFO.
    Adjust the speed of the LFO.
    Synchronize the speed of the LFO to the tempo.
    Adjust the amount of emphasis on the cutoff frequency.
    Adjusts the overdrive intensity.

    Adjust the volume envelope.
    Adjust the volume.
    Adjust the PAN.
    Adjust the volume sent to the Send FX.

    Send FX


    Delay Time
    Adjust the delay time.
    Adjusts the depth of the delay time modulation.
    Adjusts the rate for delay time modulation.
    Adjusts the feedback amount.
    Adjusted the balance of the amount of feedback to the same channel and the other channel.
    Turning the knob clockwise causes higher frequencies to fade faster than low frequencies. Turning the knob counterclockwise causes lower frequencies to fade faster than high frequencies.
    Adjusts the high pass filter frequency.

    Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the filter.
    Adjusts the depth of the modulation.
    Adjusts the speed of the modulation.
    Synchronize the speed of the modulation to the tempo.
    Adjusts the phase difference between left and right modulation.
    Adjust the amount of emphasis on the cutoff frequency.
    Adjusts the overdrive intensity.
    Adjusts the mix of dry and wet signal.


    Adjust the input volume.
    Adjust the Gate volume.
    Send FX
    Adjust the Send FX volume.
    Adjust the bass.
    Adjust the treble.
    Adjust the compression level.
    Adjust the volume of the effected sound.
    Adjust the volume of the sound without effects.